Monday, January 2, 2012


Tucker jolted me out of bed this morning just a little past three with a brief bout of tummy sickness that had my steering him clear of bed blankets and carpeting. Chasing him through the living room, I glanced out the front windows in the light of the street lamps. A beautiful light blanket of snow lay on the ground and street this morning with the promise of more on the way later this afternoon and through tomorrow. Myself, I'm ecstatic. Michael is hopeful they may cancel school on Tuesday. Bill is not so happy as he has to drive to New York later today as more of the promised winter storm bears down. It's hard to be excited about something when it could possibly threaten the safety of the one you love. Other friends are driving home from Tennessee today, so I'm praying for safe travels all around. Still, I am happy that we're finally getting a good snow. I can't help myself. Warm soup and marshmallowy cocoa, snow ball fights, and more importantly: simply lounging on the loveseat, watching the flakes floating, falling effortlessly from the sky...I love winter!

I'm also torn about running this morning. I cut way back on my runs at the end of the year due to being plagued later by awful headaches every time I went out. I've stuck to my treadmill, barely finishing two or three miles, not bothering to run outside at all anymore--which I always loved. I miss the road, the hills, the weather. I miss running with Tucker-he's a great partner, beautiful stride, totally enthusiastic, so much fun to run with-all full of joy and eagerness. I'd love more than anything to take him for a spin in the snow this morning. I'd also love to train for a 10k or a half-marathon, but fear of the headaches returning makes me feel more inclined to keep it at only a few miles in the comfort of my basement. It's no fun getting old.

I suppose the important thing is staying healthy, keeping positive. Moderate exercise is better than no exercise at all. I'm also beginning a detox diet, hoping that might help me feel a little better, more energized. We ate a lot of junk over the holidays, time to get back on track and be better to myself and my health! And, with that, I'm off to the basement for a little Deathly Hallows while I churn out a few good miles to Adele...Good day, all!

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