Saturday, January 14, 2012

Better Time Management

Along with having a healthier new year for both Bill and I, I would love more than anything to develop better time management skills. I am a queen of lists and that works well for me, all my to-do's lined up every day and watching them get scratched off one by one is very gratifying. But yet, I feel like I could be accomplishing so much more with my day...

I perused a few websites this morning looking for suggestions of how to improve my time management and two ideas seemed promising: multi-tasking and scheduling. Reading while walking on the treadmill would accomplish two goals at the same time, brilliant--and open up time for more things later in the day when I'd typically try to catch up on reading. And scheduling time for specific tasks I'd like to achieve: studying, writing, painting or drawing, crafting (jewelry-making is catching my eye lately...)

I'm well aware of the frame of mind that we make time for what is important to us. I make time for bible study every morning. I make time to workout. I make time to shop, eat, read, catch up on my favorite TV shows. As much as I don't like it, I still make time to clean every day because it's important to my family's health and well-being. I make time to let the birds out to play.

So I have my daily planner open and ready at the kitchen table, where I always start my day. A little time prioritizing these not so new tasks and scheduling them into my week is a simple baby step I can take to making more of the year ahead. But first I need to get in the shower and head to bowling! Last qualifying window for the Pepsi tournament for McBug...good luck to my little guy!!!

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