Sunday, March 25, 2012

Subconcious Sunday

Continuing to give the brain a break this weekend--I was up way too late last night after an incredibly divine anniversary dinner at the Hotel Saxonburg, came home to ridiculous ranting, raging arguments with Michael, who doesn't know how or when to give up the fight, and I'd just rather not think this morning. So, found this Sunday free association word play meme, Unconcious Mutterings to fill up the blog space today. The website gives you ten words and you answer with whatever first pops into your head...Mind you, my brain is down for the count still....
  1. Flake :: Snow...or dandruff--Oh! Breakfast Club, the weird girl who shook her dandruff over her drawing for snow!
  2. Like :: Pizza, though that would really be love...hmmm...hungry...
  3. Rash :: Oooooze--ewwww...angry, red
  4. Humor :: brain is mush--though I picture Howie Mandel--j'adore!!
  5. Splash :: That blonde actress...what was her name? With Tom Hanks?? Daryl Hannah--that's it!! Kind of a weird name now that I think about it for a girl...Daryl, Daryl, and Daryl
  6. Blind :: Darkness, lost
  7. Noisy :: Michael
  8. Ornate :: Chandelier crystal sparkle
  9. Rain :: Soft--that's like the name of a water filter, I think...
  10. Intensify :: Panic...yeah, intensify sounds stressful. I don't do stress well.

Hotel Saxonburg

After dinner last night, we went for a little stroll down Main Street and there was this incredible sunset!! I snapped this shot with my cell phone and it so doesn't do beautiful your heart stopped just a beat, breath caught in awe, gorgeous!!

Expecting life to get back to 'normal' later tomorrow, though not looking forward to it since that means Bill leaves again...and I have to get back to packing and cleaning, Boo and Pea both need their shots...Can you believe it's almost APRIL??? Are you ready for Easter? I've rather stumbled and staggered through my Lent...definitely not ready for Easter. And the cold comes back later today--hard frost tomorrow--all my cherry tree blossoms! Better get pics today before they're gone...

Last but not least, three hearty cheers for my friend, Katie, who is running a half marathon in Charlotte, North Carolina at the Charlotte Motor Speedway!! Go, go, go Katie!! Woot Woot!!

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