Sunday, September 4, 2011

Come on Fall!

Thunderstorms are in our forecast  today. It’s just a little after four this morning and I’m sitting out on the back porch, listening to thunder rumbling off in the distance, and watching the storm grow closer on WeatherBug’s radar map. An angry red blob reaches wider and farther, surrounded by a gentler green, slowing crawling, spreading ameoba-like in our direction. I love the rain and I love even more a good thunderstorm, complete with an amazing lightening show. And I’m thrilled to have the air conditioning turned off, hopefully for the year now as a cool front washes in with this storm. Beautiful, fall like temperatures in the mid-sixties, yeah-I said that right-sixties!--are posted for the week’s forecast and I’m ready. We’ve had an unusually hot, humid summer and the a/c ran non-stop for weeks at a time as our electric bill soared sky high along with the rising outdoor temperatures. So, I’m definitely ready for a break from the heat, the ridiculous utility bills, to throw the windows wide open and breathe in the fresh, cool air of autumn as we wait for the leaves to begin to turn colors, slowly, slowly as the season winds down and the temperatures drop bit by bit as October and November unhurriedly slip off into winter’s sweet snowy slumber. Summer has gone, our Bug is back in school, soon we’ll be watching the weather reports for snow closings, bundling up inside, watching white swirly fat flakes fall silently from a sullen slate sky. I’m ready…

Found this pic lightening--cool!

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