Monday, February 27, 2012

Jumping Back in to Joy

Monday at last! I know most folks aren't fond of Mondays and I suppose if you're out in the working world and have regular weekends off, the thought of leaving fun and relaxation behind for a week of work ahead, then Mondays might not be so appealing. I have a friend from high school who is now a minister, and every Monday on Facebook he posts these bright, happy, and encouraging posts, infusing a smile at the beginning of each week. I look forward to his Monday status updates as I share his enthusiasm for a fresh start and bright possibilities.

Mondays are typically my busiest day of the week as that's my "Home Blessing Day" for you Fly Babies out there--the brundt of week's household chores are done on Mondays, cleaning up after busy weekends and reorganizing and reordering lists and schedules, planning out our week ahead. Nothing feels so good as Monday afternoon, when all the chores are done, lists are all made, and I can finally sit down for a few moments of peace before scooting out to the bus stop to pick up Bug. This week, the added knowledge that I am capable of tackling that list of chores on my own is most certainly the icing on my cake!

I've also finally been back to tracking simple gratitude this past week, working on my Joy Dare for the new year, and what a week to be thankful for:
#106 Playdate with friends
#107 Beautiful warmth of late winter sunshine
#108 Friends home safe from vacation
#109 Beauty appointment later in the week
#110 Friend loaned her stationary bike for my PT
#111 A bountiful gift of pens from Missy and her boys
#112 A night out with the girls for Bible study
#113 Homemade hummus and stock
#114 Clearance from Dr El-Kadi--hallelujah! No more C-collar and I can DRIVE!!!
#115 Another showing
#116 Invitation to the Harbor Dinner Cruise later this fall with my honey in Boston and an excuse to buy a new dress and shoes!
#117 Bug all Steeler geared up for Wacky Hat Day at school

#118 Autographed bowling pin and shoe at Butler's Best for Bug, so happy about to bust!
#119 Feeling stronger every day
#120 Best hairstylist ever! (Plug for Shannon @ Shannon's Hair Hut in Chicora, PA!! Awesome!!)
#121 Sharing ear buds and singing Hey Ya and Soul Sister with Bug waiting for power to come back on
#122 Gas stove to scramble eggs for dinner
#123 Candlelit dinner with Grams and Bug
#124 Snuggying under blankets to keep warm (so much to be thankful for with no electricity!)
#125 Mom and Dad Cardinals at the feeder in the snow

#126 FREEDOM at last!!
#127 Avocado soft as butter
#128 Sauteed simmering scrumptious shrooms!
#129 Sharing Bug's Double Stuf Oreos from his Chicken Dunks Lunchables
#130 An awesome afternoon with Sissie and her mom, bowling and then a delicious lunch at Mama Rosa's
#131 Quote of the Day: Bug to Sissie, "So, what does your dad look like?" hahahahahahaha
#132 "THE" Mama Rosa loving on Bug and telling him what a beautiful boy he is--sweet!
#133 A full week of happy cleaning and planning ahead!

Always thankful...


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