Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday Stealing: The Sparkling Beach Meme: Part One

1. Ever been given or received an engagement ring? Yes.

2. Longest relationship? My marriage, twelve years in March.

3. Last gift you received? Birthday presents in July (Dance with Dragons!!!!)

4. Ever dropped a mobile phone? Daily, and usually multiple times daily...

5. When's the last time you worked out? Ran a few miles yesterday

6. Thing(s) you spend a lot of money on? Art supplies

7. Last food you ate? A bomb pop

8. First thing you notice about the opposite sex? Eyes.

9. One favorite song? Coming Undone by Korn--can't stop running when that hits the cue...

10. Where do you live? Butler, PA but only for another week or so (give or take a day or two...yay!!!)

11. High school attended: Penn Hills Senior High

12. Cell phone provider: Verizon

13. Favorite shop: Michaels (or Amazon but Amazon's not really a shop, right?)

14. Longest job: I think it was Liberty Publishing...but I can't remember how long I worked there anymore...

15. Do you own a smart phone? Why? No, Verizon won't let me upgrade yet and by the time I'm allowed to upgrade I'll be switching to AT&T--and getting my smart phone then! Ha Verizon!!

16. Do you prank call people? Really? My phone accidentally calls people but that's not really prank calling....

17. Last wedding you attended? Bill's best friend's daughter, Allison's wedding, two years ago--and now they're having a baby!!

18. First friend you'd call if you won the lottery: MISSY!!!

19. Last time you saw your best friend(s) Missy yesterday, Diane Thursday, Jenn last Saturday
20. Favorite fast food Restaurant: Does Sheetz count? It's not really a restaurant...but they serve fast food...??

And now I can get on with my zendala....Happy Sunday folks!!


  1. How excited you must be to get moved and be with husband again. If you are not excited, then take off your clothes and play naked.

    I noticed a big different in women's answers to men's. Women notices the eyes.

    Have a great Sunday.

  2. i hope your move goes smoothly!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  3. One more comment - I never gave you an engagement ring did I? :-)

  4. I too like Amazon very much, Great answers! Happy Sunday!

  5. So glad you are getting one over on Verizon as well as moving.

  6. Dawn - I would have felt honored if it was you, but you are the age of daughter or maybe younger. You made a much better choice with your husband and the family you have.

  7. hahaha- thanks for the panty thing. I had to re-read it three times to figure out what your meant.

    Amazon has totally replaced eBay in my book.

    Have a great rest of your day!

  8. I really enjoyed your answers, i hope you do this weeks.

    Check out mine


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